Drive Thru Flu Chot Clinic


November 6, 2020 1:00 pm


  • Event Location

    St. Barnabas Episcopal Church

  • Event Address

    91 Main Street

  • City/Town

    Falmouth, MA

We operate our flu clinics as a drive-thru this year because we feel as though this is the safest, most efficient way for immunization administration during the pandemic.  In order to accomplish this, we would suggest the following:
  1. All patients are to make an appointment ahead of time (so that we have enough supply and to avoid traffic backups)   
  2. All patients to fill out the questionnaire ahead of time (questionnaire will be sent when apt is made.)
  3. Please wear clothing that is conducive to administering a flu shot
  4. All patients, car passengers, and staff participating in flu clinic must be masked
  5. No pets
  6. Patients receiving the flu shot for the first time will need to pull over and wait for 15 minutes in case of a reaction.
Call Becky in the office to schedule your appointment today!