Summer@ StB’s Season Finale: Flydown Band


August 29, 2022 7:00 pm


  • Event Location

    Saint Barnabas's Church

  • Event Address

    91 Main Street

  • City/Town

    Falmouth, MA

  • Your Name

    Becky Vaus

  • Your Email Address

Flydown is one of the busiest bands in southeastern Massachusetts, performing several days weekly and year round. The band has been established 17 years and is going stronger than ever. Flydown won Pixy 103FM’s Battle of the Bands Competition at Sundancers back in 2007. The band has performed at such reputable venues as the Cape Cod Melody Tent, The Middle East in Boston, Main Stage at the Barnstable County Fairgrounds, Plymouth Memorial Hall, and others, as well as celebrity events, charity events and more. The band’s website address is: www